Midge Murphy, JD, PhD, LLC, Energy Medicine

Professional Liability Risk Management Consultant, Author, Speaker

Midge Murphy, JD, PhD, LLC, Energy Medicine

EFT/Tapping Ethics Online Certificate Course

Ethics, Legal Issues & Risk Management Strategies for EFT Tapping Practitioners.

Earn a valuable professional credential!

This online Course has been recognized as the gold standard in ethics, legal issues, and risk management strategies for EFT Tapping practitioners. For your convenience, the Course Exam is self-paced and done completely online. Upon submitting your Course Exam online, Midge will grade it.

This is the first certificate course written by an attorney and energy healing practitioner that addresses ethics, legal issues & risk management strategies for EFT/Tapping practitioners!

This comprehensive course is designed for all practitioners (licensed and non-licensed) who use EFT/Tapping or other cognitive-somatic energy practices with clients. This Course covers key ethical and legal principles, informed consent, scope of practice, and the legalities of marketing an energy healing practice. You will have the opportunity to identify the potential ethical and/or legal vulnerabilities that could be present in your practice. It provides essential risk management strategies that can protect your practice from the potential legal liabilities inherent in offering EFT/Tapping or other cognitive-somatic energy practices to the public

You will be introduced to the core ethical concepts in therapeutic relationships and how they apply to EFT/Tapping practitioners. From that foundation you will be able to expand the traditional view of ethics to include working with clients on intuitive and energetic levels. In defining a new ethic of caring with clients, this Course also explores the concept of the therapeutic relationship as a sacred contract between the practitioner and client. This sacred contract utilizes archetypes as the guardians of ethical relationships

Upon successfully completing the Course Exam, you will receive a Certificate of Completion in Ethics, Legal Issues & Risk Management Strategies for EFT/Tapping Practitioners. The Certificate serves to empower and protect your practice, enhance your level of professionalism, and demonstrates your commitment to practice in integrity.

This Course provides you with the opportunity to earn a valuable professional credential!


What the Experts Are Saying

"Midge Murphy has done an incredible service to every EFT practitioner AND also for those people seeking competent and responsible EFT professionals. Loaded with practical information on scope of practice, client agreements, informed consent, marketing, disclaimers and more. This is the first course ever written that addresses ethics, legal issues, & risk management strategies for EFT practitioners. This course makes a significant and positive impact on the emerging field of EFT. "

Nick Ortner
Author & CEO of "The Tapping Solution"

Nick Ortner, Author & CEO of The Tapping Solution, www.thetappingsolution.com

"This course should be mandatory for every EFT practitioner. Midge Murphy is unique in her education, which draws both from the legal and energy medicine fields and we believe there is no one else that brings such a critical perspective. As directors and mentors of the EFT Mastering Business Acumen practitioner program, we know and teach the importance of being an ethical and successful EFT practitioner. This course is well-written, exhaustively researched, fascinating, insightful and simply a must for anyone who does EFT with another person. This course may very well save your practice from legal challenges that you had no idea you were susceptible to. "

Alina Frank and Craig Weiner, DC
Craig Weiner, DC Chiropractor, Certified EFT and Right Brain Aerobics Trainer/Coach/Mentor Life Coaching and Workshops, EFT Coaches’ MBA (Mastering Business Acumen) | Alina Frank EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Trainer


"If you aspire to the highest level of excellence as an EFT practitioner, this online certificate course is indispensable! Nowhere will you find such a wide array of topics specific to the practice of EFT, including risk management, ethics, marketing, scope of practice, informed consent and practitioner boundaries. You could spend thousands of dollars getting vague information from a business attorney who doesn't know EFT, or you could take this course first to truly empower your practice. Midge has created an essential course for anyone considering integrating EFT services into their practice. "

Michael DeMolina
MS PhD(c) AK LPCS / CDCS / MAC | Diplomate, Comprehensive Energy Psychology | NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer, SNLP #161

www.Awisdomcenter.com | 907-770-3656

"Knowledge is power! This course stands alone as the ONLY course addressing the unique ethical and legal concerns applicable to the practice of EFT. EFT practitioners are vulnerable to a wide range of risks that can be minimized. Anyone who professionally offers EFT, whether licensed or not, will reap huge benefits from taking this course. "

Besty B. Muller
MBA, ACP-EFT, CEHP, CEC | ACEP Certified EFT and Energy Health Practitioner, Certified Intermediate EFT Practitioner-1, CEO, The Indigo Connection, LLC, Amazon Best Selling Author of the Energy Makeover®

www.theindigoconnection.com | 440-238-4731

"This course provides a guide in clear language of how EFT practitioners can avoid the legal and ethical pitfalls that have ensnared some excellent practitioners. Midge makes it easy with clear, practical solutions for the common mistakes that get practitioners into legal trouble. From her unique perspective of having a background in both law and energy work, Midge gives excellent case examples to ground theoretical ideas into practical applications of the knowledge presented in this course. When we know the rules, we can stay out of trouble! "

Barbara Stone
PhD, LISW, DCEP, Developer of the Soul Detective® Method
